Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Yes! More Pyrex!

Hey guys,
       So once again I went a junkin', and found some great stuff. 

Now, I said I was just going to focus on strictly Pyrex, only for my lack of cupboard space but I broke guys. It's there, in the store right in front of my face and I just can't help it. I said to myself, " I'm just going to get other brands if they have lids." Well that went right out the window today. I've seen that Fire-King Green Meadow around town a lot lately, all with no lids but there's usually a box of mix matched lids at the thrift stores that I could go through to see if I can find any. That was my reasoning in purchasing that dish. Have I gone loony? 
Next to the Green Meadow is a Candle glow with lid. Really nice dish.
                       I was so excited to see the large and medium Blue Iris from Pyrex England, because if you recall from my other Pyrex posts you would have seen that I had found the small one of that same set, with a lid, now I have a set of something and that makes me happy!
I found the smallest of the "Autumn Harvest" mixing bowls. I really hope I find the rest one day.
(You'll have to pardon the picture quality, I was super excited to get this posted and I didn't have the aid of natural light.)
Lastly I found these solid colour mixing Cinderella bowls. Both Pyrex, but can't seem to find a name. Maybe they're apart of the "Earth Tones"
And just to add even more of a selection to my hording, I introduce you to my first and only JAJ piece.
Isn't she lovely. This is the "Cottage Rose" casserole. 
So that concludes my Pyrex hunt for the week. This has quickly became a huge delight in my life and I can't wait to get cookin'.
Broccoli and chicken bake anyone ;)

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